Tuesday, January 22, 2008

King Arthur -- Modern Connections

Find an example of a real-world modern code of conduct. This might be from the realms of business, government, religion, service organizations, or clubs. Your contribution must be unique. Once you decide on the code you will share, identify it on the blog by Monday, January 28. Check the blog before you finalize your choice. If your code of conduct is available online, you may simply create a link to it on your blog comment. Otherwise, print a copy of the code and bring it to class.


KeenanH said...

My Code is the Geneva convention http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Conventions

JohnS said...

My code is the code of conduct for captured army personal.

kevin r said...

My code is the code of conduct for Verison

Mallory said...

Buddhism. the Five Precepts.


zoe said...

My code of conduct is fr NFTY, http://www.nfty.org/about/parents/healthsafety/

kevin y said...

My code is the Code of the U.S. Fighting Force


Anonymous said...

My code of conduct is the NFL


austin said...

Lazer Tag Code of Conduct

Collin said...

university of colorado code of conduct http://www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/judicialaffairs/code.html

Tyler W said...

My code of condust is the Arapahoe high school code of conduct

JRHanson said...

My Code of Conduct is the Pepsi Company one. http://www.pepsico.com/PEP_Citizenship/CodeofConduct/index.cfm#

KenneyLynn Mauve said...

My code is the code that junior voluteers at TCH have to follow.

Alex said...

i don't know if this goes w/ kevin's or johns but i did the army code of conduct


Chelsea R. said...

My NBA fan code of conduct.